Initiate Class: Beta Beta
Major: Nursing
Year: Second Year
What is your favorite thing about PSP? "I love how caring all our members are for each other. It really feels like we are a family and I’m so glad to have that opportunity to be part of that."
What are your hobbies? "I love traveling and finding new places to explore in Columbus taking pictures of these memories is one of my favorite thing to do!"
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why? "I would Tavel to Scotland because of I love their accents and would love to see the castles there and maybe try on some traditional clothing while I’m there."
White chocolate macadamia nut or oatmeal raisin? Oatmeal raisin
Fun fact: "If any PSP members are there & want a tour of China town and try all the great food there let me know! ❤️"
Favorite Quote: “Insanity is something the same thing over and over again, but expecting the same results” —Albert Einstein