Current Leaders 2019-2020
President: Julia Hasik
Julia is majoring in Neuroscience with a minor in Medical Humanities on the pre-medicine track. She will be graduating in the spring of 2020. She is currently the President of Phi Sigma Pi and former Co-Service and Co-Philanthropy chair, as well as VP of Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Fraternity. She volunteers at Physicians Care Connection and through the Columbus Literacy Council, as well as perform research on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Alzheimer's. She loves to travel and is obsessed with ducks.
Vice President of Operations: Polly Oliynyk
Polly is an Anthropology major with French and international relations and diplomacy minors. She serves as the Vice President of operations - she serves as the chapter parliamentarian and makes sure people follow the rules and that the chapter complies with the national guidelines. Fun fact: She interned with the Canadian Parliament this summer and she got to see Canadian politics and policies be shaped, including some that she wrote memos and research on for representative to speak on!
Vice of Programming: Kassidy Richards
Kassidy is a graduating senior this year. Her primary role within the fraternity are overseeing the different chairs and committees within the chapter and making sure that everyone is managing and meeting their responsibilities. Also she is in charge of Brother of the Week, for which she leads a vote at Eboard for the chapter to decide who the most exemplary brother of that week was.
Secretary: Emma Sours
Emma is a 3rd year Evolution and Ecology major with a minor in Anthropology. She joined Phi Sigma Pi in the Spring of 2018 and now serves as Secretary on our executive board! As Secretary, she keeps track of membership requirements and records and take attendance at our meetings and other events. Outside of Phi Sigma Pi, she spends her time working as a Student Manager for campus dining services and she also enjoys reading and being active!
Treasurer: Julia Tobia
Julia is a fourth-year Accounting major, minoring in Business Analytics from Princeton, New Jersey. As the Treasurer for Phi Sigma Pi's Beta Iota Chapter, she keeps track of all cash inflows and outflows by overseeing all transactions. Fun facts: She loves going to the beach, watching movies, and going to country concerts. When she graduate, she hopes to become a CPA and work as an external auditor. Shejoined Phi Sigma Pi the Spring semester of her freshman year and can honestly say that she has enjoyed every moment of it since!
Fundraising Chair: Nick Shkolnikov
Nick is part of the Beta Gamma class. His primary job is to facilitate fundraising opportunities for all brothers, keep records of all fundraising performed by brothers throughout the semester, and clearly communicate opportunities to brothers weekly. Ben is also pre-med and will be graduating a year early!
Scholarship Co-chair: McKenzie Martin
McKenzie is graduating senior. Her responsibility within the chapter is coming up with and planning new and exciting ways for brothers to enhance the scholarship aspect of the tripod. McKenzie is also majoring in Chemical Engineering and loves football and going to concerts.
Scholarship Co-chair: Jake Weaver
Jake is majoring in Chemistry with a minors in global public health. His role in PSP is to plan events that enrich and educate brothers while they are in the fraternity. Jake is graduating this year and wants to earn his Ph.D in chemistry and teach at a collegiate level someday!
Fellowship Co-chair: Mahin Hossain
Mahin is majoring in Neuroscience with minors in Global Public Health, Economics, and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Her job is to plan and coordinate events that are fun and exciting for our brothers to bond. She is former Special Events Chair for PSP. Outside of PSP, she is the current President of MannMukti OSU, a General member of OUAB, the Community Health Projects Coordinator for The Akumanyi Foundation, and is involved in her research lab where she studies Spinal Cord Injury. In her free time, she loves to cook, bake, and collect hundreds of fancy pens.
Fellowship Co-chair: Anthony Kwa
Anthony is and aerospace engineering and aviation studies major. He chose to be fellowship chair because he loves seeing brothers have fun and bond together. He thinks its really important to find ways to tighten bonds in the chapter and create a true brotherhood. Fun fact: This is his fourth country that Anthony has lived in!
Service Co-chair: Cristy Gao
Cristy is the co-service chair for PSP. She is from Fostoria, Ohio and is also a nursing student! She has 30 plants in her apartment and the number keeps growing. She works at the OSU flower-shop on 10th Ave. During her free time Cristy loves to explore Columbus and take advantage of the 50% off appetizers at happy hours in restaurants. Her secret? It's that she loves dance parties!
Service Co-chair: August Gonzalez
August is a part of the Beta Beta class. His duties include planning and coordinating service events so that our brothers can give back to the community and have fun while doing it! In his freetime, August likes playing soccer and discussing music, film and TV with other people. Fun fact: his favorite events are formals and retreat!
Historian: Sydney Damon
McKenzie is part of the Alpha Omega Class. Her primary job is to maintain the overall history of the chapter, and keeps up records for the chapter- events and people. She will be keeping written and photographic history of the events throughout semesters and sharing the memories not only within the chapter but to others outside of the chapter! McKenzie is also majoring in Chemical Engineering and she will be going into her third year in college.
Spirit Co-chairs: Kelly Filka
Kelly is a senior at Ohio State with a major in molecular genetics and a minor in pharmaceutical sciences. She enjoys swimming, drinking coffee, and doing makeup. She joined Phi Sigma Pi the spring of her freshman year and is currently spirit chair!
Spirit Co-chairs: Olivia Thornberry
Miranda is part of the Alpha Psi class. Her main responsibility is providing support for brothers by celebrating achievements, birthdays, and other notable events. She is also supposed to support the brothers and add positive vibes to the Chapter as a whole! Miranda is also a logistics major and is graduating next year!
Special Events Co-chair: Mona Roufaeil
Mona is part of the Beta Gamma class. His role within the fraternity is planning end of the semester banquets and helping to celebrate the graduating seniors. Quinn also graduates next year! Mona is bilingual, she speaks both english and arabic. She has two cats and likes to listen to music, read, and hang out with her friends in her free time. Fun fact: She can say the alphabet backwards!
Special Events Co-chair: Jacob Arnold
Jacob is part of the Beta Gamma class. His role within the fraternity is to organize special events for Phi Sigma Pi including Banquet and Founder's Day. Jacob loves to travel and is from Berea, OH. He is a middle child education major and has a matching tattoo with his sister!
Recruitment Co-chair: Alexa Hoefflin
Alexa is studying public policy analysis and double majoring in political science. She is one of our recruitment advisors and oversees campus outreach to help find new brothers for our chapter. She is a senior this year!
Recruitment Co-chair: Akayla Rustin
Akayla is a finance and real estate major with an economics minor. iHer responsibility within the chapter is to market the fraternity in such a way that we add the best people to our family. She grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio and loves to snowboard in the winter and go hiking in the summer. Fun fact: She traveled to London in the summer of 2018 for an internship!
Initiate advisor: Annelise Coburn
Annelise is part of the Alpha Omega class of Phi Sigma Pi. She is from Hudson, Ohio and is a senior studying exercise science with plans to become a physical therapist. Her role is to help new initiates into brotherhood and in her free time she likes to listen to music and podcasts!
Initiate advisor: Andrew Capozzi
Andrew is part of the Alpha Omega class. His main job and responsibility is to share with the initiate class the values that Phi Sigma Pi holds dear while incorporating the individuality of new members. Bridging the gap between brothers and initiates, the role must be resourceful and aid the initiate class to ensure optimal preparation for membership in the brotherhood. Andrew is also majoring in pharmaceutical sciences with minors in substance misuse and addiction, epidemiology, and German while also enrolled as a P1 graduate pharmacy student.
Brother at Large: Lindsey Battaglia
Lindsey is part of the Alpha Omega class. Her main role and responsibility is the the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of the chapter. She also handles conflict resolution while maintaining a presence of anonymity. She is also double majoring in Psychology and Human Development and Family Sciences. She is graduating this year!
Fraternal/Alumni Relations: Joseph Westover
Joseph is part of the Alpha Omega class. His role is to help develop new and existing relations with other chapters, and to maintain contact with the alumni from our chapter. Joseph is also majoring in Chemical Engineering and will be graduating this year!
Philanthropy Co-chair: Elizabeth Troiano
Elizabeth is a fourth year double major in psychology and linguistics with a minor in Italian. She is currently the Co-Philanthropy Chair for Phi Sigma Pi, which means she helps raise money for our national philanthropy, the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership conference. We also have a local philanthropy this year, Hittle House, that we want to raise money for as well. Outside of PSP, she does research in the Language Perception Lab and is the chair of the Biological Sciences Scholars.
Philanthropy Co-chair: Alex Warner
Alex is a senior studying architecture with minors in history and city planning. She has gone to study abroad a few times to study European archeticture and her favorite places were Spain and Switzerland. Alex believes that through philanthropy we can help better our soceity.
Public Relations Chair: Farah Hasan
Farah is part of the Beta Gamma class. Her role as part of the fraternity is to organize and run all of PSP’s social media and the website to grow the fraternity's public presence Farah is a Biology major with a creative writing minor. In her free time she likes to explore new places and read. She hopes to go to medical school after she graduates.


