Favorite Quote:
"Struggles and criticisms are prerequisites for greatness" - Unknown

Delaware, OH
Criminal Justice & Philosophy ; Minor in Political Science
Initiate Class:
Alpha Omega
Dream Job:
To become a lawyer "I'll fight for YOU!"
Favorite Class at OSU:
Philosophy of Law
He doesn't know what color he would be because he's colorblind
Pump Up Jam:
Yodel-Boy Remix or Remember the Name
Favorite PSP Memory:
Sharing scary stories late at night during Fall '17 Retreat
Pet Peeve:
People who do not know how to correctly fill up an ice tray
"I honestly would not want to exist in any world but the one I am currently in. I have figured out how to enjoy and succeed in the life I am living, so I would not want to do anything that would jeopardize that. Attempting to adjust to a new world would just cause too many issues that may, or more likely, may not be as pleasant as I currently have it (philosophy has made me think about this a lot)"