Academic Year:
Economics and Political Science
Upper Arlington, Ohio
What celebrity would you invite to a dinner party and why?
I would invite Paul Romer. Its very nerdy but I think he is perhaps the best economists of this generation-- I really would love to discuss economic issues with him!
What is your stance on the fraternity's Oatmeal Raisin vs. White Macadamia nut debate?
If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 things would you bring and why?
1. A Hammock
2. A Camera (to record my adventures)
3. The Book "Lord of Flies"
What are you involved in outside of PSP?
I am in a social Fraternity- Phi Gamma Delta or FIJI; Buckeye Capital Investors, Alger Magazine; Collegiate Council on World Affairs; Association of Ohio State Class Honoraries; and Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Society
Favorite PSP Memory:
To be honest any time spent with the brothers of Phi Sigma Pi, but my induction night would probably the most special PSP memory for me!
Motto(s) of Favorite Quote:
"The nature of love is to be lost but to not love to protect oneself is to not live"
Career Goals/ Post Graduate Goals:
Get a dual JD-PhD in Economics!