Academic Year:
Chemical Engineering
Martins Ferry, Ohio
What celebrity would you invite to a dinner and why?
Hmm, that is a good question. Since there was no mention of living or dead I’ll go with one of my favorite historical figures, Ben Franklin. I just think he was a very fascinating man and I would love to have had the chance to pick his brain on a ton of different subjects.
What is your stance on the fraternity’s Oatmeal Raisin vs. White Macadamia nut debate?
I am firmly in the oatmeal raisin camp. If you like white macadamia cookies, then I really question your taste in cookies.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring and why?
1. Water, I mean that is a given.
2. A towel to lay out and get some sun
3. A cell phone to call in a rescue
What are you involved in outside of PSP?
I am involved in a club called Buckeyes for a Cause, which works with Nationwide Children’s Hospital to help get children the things they need, such as toys, books, etc. I also have been involved with USG in the past, and was a member of the USG Interns group where we were learned leadership skills. I keep myself busy as well with intermural sports like baseball and basketball.
Favorite PSP Memory:
When I was inducted and found out that Levi was my big/all of the banquets
Motto(s) or Favorite Quote:
“You may delay, but time will not” -Ben Franklin
Career Goals/ Post Graduate Goals:
In the near future, my goal is to go to law school and become a patent lawyer after graduation. After that who knows!? Life can throw you a curveball so you need to be ready at all times to knock it out of the park!