Academic Year:
4th year (graduating this May 2017!)
Speech and Hearing Science
Disability Studies
Elm Grove, Wisconsin
What celebrity would you invite to a dinner party and why?
I would invite Maya Rudolph! She's intelligent, talented, and downright hysterical. I'm always up for a good laugh!
What is your stance on the fraternity's Oatmeal Raisin vs. White Macadamia nut debate?
*sighs* If my only option was to choose between those two, I would have to say Oatmeal Raisin. But just to clear the record, I'm more of a chocolate chip cookie kind of gal.
Spirit animal:
Golden Retriever. I am so adopting one the second after I graduate from The Ohio State.
What are you involved in outside of PSP?
While PSP is a major part of my life and schedule, I am also deeply involved in my position as a Resident Advisor in Morrill Tower #westsidebestside. I am also involved in two other Honor Society's and enjoy hosting and partaking in those events as well. Outside of the academia realm, I'm also interested in becoming a member/writer for the Sundial Magazine! Other hobbies include sudoku puzzles, listening to music, and writing short stories.
Favorite PSP Memory:
Oh gosh, there are honestly so many... One of my very favorite memories was meeting my Bigs. I remember turning around and just feeling so excited to be accepted into this great new family.
Motto(s) of Favorite Quote:
My favorite quote and life motto in a way was spoken by Maya Angelou (sorry about the passive voice for those of you grammar fanatics like me): "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will not forget how you made them feel."
Career Goals/ Post Graduate Goals:
Exactly 83 days till graduation. Not that I'm counting down or anything... My goal is to attend graduate school and obtain my Master's degree in Speech Pathology. Following that, I'll complete a Clinical Fellowship Year, become licensed, and officially be able to practice my degree. I'd like to move somewhere on the coast, whether that be east or west will depend on where I attend school. Other than that, I hope to do some extensive traveling, adopt a dog named Arizona, and go out and explore the world!