Academic Year:
Sad Senior May 2017
Speech and Hearing Science with a minor in Cognitive Science
Cincinnati, Ohio
What celebrity would you invite to a dinner party and why?
I have and always will be an avid fan of Robin Williams. He encompasses love, life, and passion all in one. Also could I be invited to his dinner party so we can have a fashion show with all of his awesome costumes over the years. We would banter back and forth and it would be wonderful.
What is your stance on the fraternity's Oatmeal Raisin vs. White Macadamia nut debate?
Because I am the co-curator of this debate with our past president, I just have to say that I truly hope this is a debate for years to come. Also OATMEAL RAISIN is the only correct answer within this debate. They are "magically delicious".
Spirit animal:
Koala currently because at the zoo I was told they sleep on average 16-18 hours per day.... and honestly some days I actually do that, while other days I wish I had 16 hours to sleep.
What are you involved in outside of PSP?
I work at an after care program for about 30, 4th and 5th graders. They are the only thing that keep me young and up to date on all the new lingo. I am an office assistant for the Speech and Hearing Clinic of Ohio State. I also am a researcher for the RISE project, learning how implementing curriculum on narratives and story telling can help in a special education classroom.
Favorite PSP Memory:
See the word "favorite" means I just have one.. and that is not the case at all.
Let's do a top five (in no particular order):
1. Dancing into Banquet dressed as Destiny's child to go with the 90s theme.
2. Discovering who the murderer was for our Murder Mystery Party
3. Every single Game Night we have had, including the trips to Dave and Busters
4. Taking a little who gets my weird dance moves and constant ability to make life awkward
5. Meeting some amazing humans who will make Ohio State a hard place to leave come Spring
Motto(s) of Favorite Quote:
Current Senior Quote: "It's just that life is pointless, and nothing matters, and I am tired all the time. Also I can't sleep. I'm overeating. None of my old hobbies interest me." -Andy Dwyer Parks and Recreation
Life Quote:
“You’re only given one little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.”
Career Goals/ Post Graduate Goals:
I plan to graduate with a Masters in Speech Pathology and then educate and advocate for Cultural Awareness in a clinical setting. I also want to go back to the clinic I visited in Kenya in 2015 to work as a licensed Speech Pathologist. Wherever life will go if I incorporate: traveling, dancing and bubbles, I know it will be grand.