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Retreat Fall 2016

This semester the chapter went canoeing before we went to our campsite for retreat. Another tradition in Beta Iota is to go to Trapper Johns and canoe! Lots of adventures, and a few overturned canoes, were caused on the river. The Chapter camped at Camp Lazarus this semester. At the campsite the Brothers enjoyed pizza, cookies and other treats before we moved onto the activities for the night. Many of the activities were designed to create Brother Bonding in both fun and serious ways. After these activities, the Brothers played a late night game of glow-in-the-dark capture the flag and even brought out an Ouija board. Overall the retreat was a fantastic success! Our Fellowship Chairs, Avery and Caleigh, did a great job with the Fall Retreat!

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Interested in Recruitment?

If you are interested in joining Phi Sigma Pi, check out our  Recruitment Requirements below or directly email our Recruitment Co-Chairs, Amanda Jensen and Natalie Chen at and

Recruitment Requirements

In order to join PSP, you must meet the following qualifications:

1. You must have completed at least one semester of college (that means at least 12 credit hours).

2. You must still have two semesters left at OSU AFTER your semester of initiation.

3. You must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

4. You must attend one speed-interview and one recruitment event.


Recruitment happens every Fall and Spring, so make sure to check back often for specific dates of events!


See? Not so bad! If you are offered a bid and become a Brother of Beta Iota, you will be expected to attend weekly chapter meetings and attend a minimum of 10 events per semester (broken up between the various committees). Membership dues are paid each semester.

Official blog of Phi Sigma Pi: Beta Iota

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